
The NI Curriculum objectives are to develop the young person as an individual, as a contributor to society and to develop their contribution to the economy and the environment. To do this teachers and educators will be infusing thinking skills and personal capabilities with the pupils including problem solving, creativity, being able to work with others, managing self and information.  Formally assessed skills will also be part of the curriculum within the areas of Communication, Mathematics and ICT.

The learning areas in the Northern Ireland Curriculum are as follows:

  • The Arts
  • Language and Literacy
  • Mathematics and Numeracy
  • Personal Development
  • Physical Education
  • The World Around Us
  • Religious Education.

In these learning areas the attitudes and dispositions of parental responsibility, concern for others, commitment and openness to new ideas will be encouraged.  Modified arrangements for assessment for learning will be incorporated promoting new learning experiences for the pupils, encompassing links between different curriculum areas, challenging pupil activities, using hands-on approaches, offering choice, being media-rich, varied to suit different pupil learning styles and responsive to cultural diversity.