
Our Mission…

We are a rural community primary school set in the picturesque village of Seskinore. We endeavour to provide a caring and supportive learning and teaching environment in which all are inspired to become confident, co-operative and mutually respectful individuals. We encourage dedication and thoughtfulness in all members of the school community to fulfil their potential as creative and reflective lifelong learners.


McClintock Primary School aims to establish a caring environment within which the academic, personal, social and spiritual potential of each child will be developed. The pastoral dimension permeates all our school activities.

The Safeguarding Team at McClintock Primary School:

Principal: Mr Sam Dennison
Designated Teacher for Child Protection: Mrs Mavis Forbes
Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection: Mrs Tracy Aiken
ICT Co-ordinator: Mrs Sarah Thompson
Chair of Governors: Mr David Kyle-Ewing
Member of BOG with Delegated Responsibility: Dr Alison Irvine


Our Child Protection Policy is based on the following Principles:

  • The child’s welfare must always be paramount.
  • Children must always have a right to be heard, to be listened to, and to be taken seriously.
  • Parents/carers have a right to respect but a proper balance must be struck between ensuring this and protecting children.
  • Every child has a fundamental right to be safe from harm and have proper care given to their physical, emotional and spiritual well being.

  • Tell us of any changes in collection arrangements.
  • Keep your child safe on their way in and out of school.
  • Observe the parking regulations.
  • Give us any change of contact details.
  • All visitors should report to the Secretary’s office.
  • If possible tell us of any changes or difficulties your child or family is experiencing — we may be able to help.
  • Make time to listen to how staff review your child’s progress.
  • Read all notes, newsletters and posters on display.
  • Return all permission slips etc. on time.
  • Encourage your child to talk about their day.
  • Listen to your child carefully to understand what they actually mean.


It is the responsibility of every member of staff:-

  1. To provide an environment within the school and classroom in which every child is a valued member of the community.
  2. To allow a variety of opportunities for class and group discussion of thoughts and feelings in an atmosphere of trust, acceptance and tolerance.
  3. To identify a range of people to whom children can turn to share concerns and discuss problems.
  4. To integrate the key concepts of child protection with the existing curriculum and to develop awarenessand skills of personal safety.
  5. To monitor children’s welfare – physical, emotional, social, intellectual and behavioural development.
  6. To establish a regular contact with other appropriate agencies in order to promote co-operation to protect children.